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A facility for youth to learn cultural and spiritual awareness
20 Years ago Kamal H. Maharaj together with his wife Vanita Maharaj were inspired by the knowledge of the divine Hindu literature to create a ‘facility’ were youth could come together. Vishwa Shakti both flexible and adaptable started providing camps for various projects. Kids learn valuable ideals, shared knowledge, and show cased their talent.
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Vishwa Shakti Camps
What people have to say
“Vishwa Shakti has played an integral role in moulding me into the individual I am today. I have gained confidence, explored my passion for dance, developed my leadership skills and grown to appreciate my culture. The journey so far has been a thrilling one, and I look forward to what the future holds for me as a part of this spiritual organisation.”
“Vishwa Shakti has been a very inspirational experience for me. I have learned more about my culture in a fun and interactive way. It has been a family like environment that has supported and uplifted the youth of the Indian community.
“I have been with Vishwa Shakti for just under three years, attending seven Vishwa Shakti Camps. During this time I have thoroughly enjoyed these exciting camps, making many new friends and growing as an individual.”
“I have been with Vishwa Shakti since I was 6 years old. The teachings and family that I have gained via Vishwa Shakti have made me the person I am today. I have gained so many different skills with Vishwa Shakti, some I never knew I could even attempt.”
“Vishwa Shakti has played an integral role in shaping me, as a person: physically, intellectually and spiritually. Through my involvement at Vishwa Shakti, I have grown to become more aware of my own strengths and to challenge my weaknesses. I have had, and continue to have extremely fulfilling, wholesome and most importantly, fun experiences with my Vishwa Shakti family!”